Communication Planning

Communication Planning

Communication planning is both an art and a science. At its most basic, many will say it is simply a question of who are you going to target, when, how and with what? But where is the measurability? Where is the accountability? You may have a plan, but how do you know it’s going to work?

Our communication planning drives your digital strategy forward. It addresses the six basic elements of communications: communicator, message, communication channel, feedback mechanism, receiver/audience and time frame. At the same time detailed and highly rigorous yet flexible and agile, from brief to project completion and beyond we constantly seek new insights to inform and evolve. Across all brand platforms we reach audiences through effective brand communications and relevant experiences. Every element of your online marketing strategy is scrutinised, every step along the brand journey measured.

At ECLAT MEDIA SOLUTIONS we can only deliver high quality digital creativity if it’s backed by sound customer insight. For communications that resonate with customers and provoke the desired response, we need to know those customer intimately. Most importantly, our communication planning drills down to tactical deliverables and tightly-controlled budgeting. Whatever we do is tied to implementing and executing a strategy that meets business objectives and delivers strong ROI.
